“My focus is what it has always been—but it’s stronger than ever now—protecting our families and their futures, I want Pennsylvanians to be able to afford energy, keep more money in our pockets, have great jobs, defend ourselves and our way of life, and continue to have the freedoms our loved ones fought for.”
During her first term in office, Scialabba has introduced legislation to protect parental rights, refocus education on academic topics, and establish privacy rights for Pennsylvanians to give them control over the use and sale of their personal information. Scialabba led a successful effort to end Butler County’s sanctuary status for illegal immigrants. Scialabba has also worked closely with elected officials to secure state funding for infrastructure and various other projects throughout the 12th Legislative District. Additionally, Scialabba hosts monthly “Veterans Hours” at her district office in Cranberry Township to assist veterans in obtaining their benefits.
“I look forward to the opportunity to continue representing the constituents of the 12th Legislative District, and I will continue to be your advocate in Harrisburg working to enact policies to protect families, support veterans, and enable job creation throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.”
Stephenie her husband, John, and son, Teddy, live in Cranberry Township, Butler County. They are the 4th generation of Scialabbas to make their home in Butler County. The Scialabbas are members of St. Kilian Parish.