Straightforward and solution-driven, Stephenie will work to protect our constitutional rights and strongly advocate for the issues that matter most to the constituents of the 12th Legislative District.
Becoming a mother made education issues an important part of my legislative agenda. I have introduced legislation (House Bill 1727) that requires parental notification and consent for student participation in clubs and organizations. I have also introduced legislation (House Bill 1805) to limit the advice that school guidance counselors can provide to academic and career goals, unless parents/guardians are involved. The legislation also requires schools to provide notice to parents/guardians of all social, emotional and behavioral programs prior to student participation. I am a co-sponsor of the Parental Bill of Rights (House Bill 932). I have also spearheaded the charge through House Bill 1804 against Kooth, a social medical platform that claims to provide anonymous mental health care to our children without parents’ involvement, knowledge or consent.
I have also been appointed to the School Safety and Security Committee under the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency to assess how schools can be safer for students.
I have co-sponsored legislation (House Bill 1370) that provides grant funding to encourage students to pursue careers in the trades, as well as law enforcement, education and legal careers.
Energy Independence
Energy independence is key to our national and economic security. In Pennsylvania, we should not be losing jobs and our citizens to other states when we have energy resources right here in our state. We need to continue to make Pennsylvania a business-friendly environment for the energy sector. I continue to monitor the potential sale of U.S. Steel, as well as the potential shutdown of Cleveland Cliffs (formerly AK Steel/Armco). Additionally, I do not support the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI).
Rightsizing Government
As taxpayers, we have to live within our means. Government should do the same. I am a co-sponsor of legislation (House Bill 444), which will reduce the size of the General Assembly. I also support and have signed on as a co-sponsor to the Taxpayer Protection Act (House Bill 786), which curtails and limits increases in our State budget based on a three-year average of the Commonwealth’s inflation and population growth. I also support reducing the tax burden on Pennsylvanians so that you can keep more of your hard-earned dollars in your wallet.
Funding For Our Communities
Representing one of the fastest growing House districts in the Commonwealth, I understand the importance of adequately funding the needs of our communities. During my first term in office, I’ve helped our local communities receive over $18 million in State funding. This includes funding for the Route 228 project, as well as grants for fire departments and recreational facilities, as well as grants through the Pennsylvania Historical Museum Commission and the Community Conservation Partnerships Program.
Veterans Affairs and First Responders
As the Republican Secretary of the House Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee, I take great honor and responsibility in supporting our veterans and first responders. I have co-sponsored legislation to support veteran-owned businesses and legislation making State services more accessible for our veterans. During my first term in office, I have established Veterans Outreach hours. I also serve on the Butler 911 communications council. I will continue to work to find resources to support the first responders and EMS organizations within my district.
Second Amendment
I am an ardent supporter of our Second Amendment rights. I will continue to vote against any legislation that infringes upon our right to keep and bear arms. As clearly stated in Article I, Section 21 of the Pennsylvania Constitution: “The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the State shall not be questioned.” I have also been endorsed by Gun Owners of America and recommended by Firearm Owners Against Crime.